‘The Embodied Spirit’:

A No-Bullshit Mentoring Program.

Results Based Transformational Coach.

Rising you from the inferno

Shapeshifting powerful men and women into ultimate self mastery. Life, Love and Business. 

No BS. Just results.

This program will broaden your mindset, challenge you at your core and support you as you ascend towards your highest version of you. Whether you are a spiritual practitioner seeking to deepen your knowledge, a corporate CEO looking to cultivate prosperity from a deeper sense of purpose, or a curious seeker in search of community & belonging.

‘The Embodied Spirit’ is a group program that has been designed to elevate your intuition, self awareness and strengthen your communication with your community and the energy within and around you. 

Are you currently in a state of feeling disconnected and disembodied? Do you lack purpose, passion and inspiration? Are you ready to feel more connected, abundant, emotionally, physically and energetically secure in all areas of your life?


‘The Embodied Spirit’ IS for the seeker, shapeshifter, healer, expander, who is wanting an in depth experience, an experience channelled from higher wisdom through me to you. ‘The Embodied Spirit’ will challenge, change and elevate you towards an entirely new version of yourself inviting you into an entirely new world of existence beyond your physical being.

It is NOT for the sceptical non believer.

This program IS for you if you are ready to explore and challenge new concepts through a fusion of science/evidenced based and Spirit based practices. 

This program Is for you if you are ready to deep dive into your life journey with focus and commitment towards becoming the best version of yourself.

This program IS for  you if you want to deepen and trust your intuition, develop and improve your energetic architecture. This program will increase your awareness and grow your understanding of how working between two worlds and trusting your innate wisdom can support and empower you in living your most abundant and prosperous life.

FYI –   this Grounded, individualised, trauma informed, multi dimensional, inter dimensional, bridging the gap between science and spirituality, heartfelt, heart led, experiential, deep dive into the colourful depths of two worlds program is unique, comprehensive, and literally life altering.

Let’s take a closer look at what this program offers.

  Laying the Foundations

 SELF comes FIRST – Over 6 months 

Registrations & payment plans are now open for intake.

Includes –

  • self paced modules & workbooks filled with rich information that will serve as a lifelong valuable resource.
  • Prerecorded lessons and transmissions from our higher guidance team, designed to integrate your knowledge base
  • Suggested Readings to help you expand your perspective and further embody your learnings.
  • Weekly practices designed to challenge, expand and grow you into your fullest potential should you participate.
  • Tools to activate and alter higher levels of consciousness
  • Access to a broad range of my Channelled meditations from our   interdimensional support team.
  • A rich educational experience
  • Individualised 1:1 program means you will receive personalised activations and specific channeled messages in our live fortnightly zoom calls.
  • Recordings within 48hrs of live calls.
  • Up to date transmissions from our interdimensional light team
  • The opportunity to participate in rich discussions with a like hearted community on the daily should you choose.
  •  Weekly insights, motivations, tips and tricks from me via our Voxer Community App.

Payment in full $2222 with payment plans available.

Book your free 10-minute Heart to Heart

Find out if this is the right course for you!

Why the embodied spirit? 

Because Living an embodied life means integrating body, mind & spirit principles, beliefs, and practices into your daily existence in a grounded and authentic manner.

When you are embodied in spirit you feel alive, connected and deeply inspired to live into your highest purpose in life, love and business.

Because Emotional & Financial freedom cannot be obtained or expressed in its fullness as a disembodied, disconnected being.

 Living life as an embodied spirit involves being fully present in the physical world while simultaneously nurturing and exploring your connection and growth to who you are as an integrative being whereby the union of  body and soul is actualised.


BOOK your FREE Heart to Heart CALL below and together we can plan the most suitable way that will give you the results you are looking for.

Book your free 10-minute Heart to Heart

Find out if this is the right course for you!

What my Clients have to say…

After having received a Healing session from Nicole, I went on to complete my Reiki level 1 certification with her. It was one of the best weekends I have had , relaxing, enlightening and empowering. So much so I went on to complete my Reiki level 2 training with her. Nicole is so knowledgeable & down to earth. I have learned so much from her and I feel confident as a Reiki practitioner. The ongoing support after her courses has been outstanding and really valuable as I continue my Reiki journey.

- Amy

Have Questions?

Ask away and I’ll get back to you soon.

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